
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Rocket Nerds Tests

this is my team's (rocket nerds) test flight/stability test slideshow our last one went the highest which was amazing. it went higher than the big tree. I enjoyed pumping the rocket up. I am wondering if the angle or the water gave it that big oomph.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Rocket Lab morels work

This is my teams work and we used a blog thing to find morels for Rocket Lab. Anna and I wrote the bottom bit. our morel is Software engineering is also about team communication.

my job

my team's safety poster
Anna and I made our team's safety poster for our new business. Our new business is T.E.D. lab we will launch rockets and make them as well.

my rocket design 1 
I got to design the team's rocket
my profile 
this is my profile all about me

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

my teams rocket

 this is my teams rocket I designed it and we built it. We used to take us to space. We are going to launch on Thursday:-D.